Our main aim is to create three attractive stops on the planned bicycle path No 14, all of them focusing on environmental protection. Wells with drinking water are prepared for each of the stops. The path between these three stops will be called Environment Tour.
Stops on the Environment Tour:
No. 2 – Svinary – development of allotment plots and related facilities (orchards and fields)
According to the zoning plan, this plot has been listed as arable land. Upon our long-term efforts (towards the change of the zoning plan) this plot had been relisted as development zone for residential housing. Until a new zoning plan is approved (2022 at the latest) we are preparing the following activities that comply with the current zoning plan:
- allotment plots – small fields and orchards (without fences) in total area of approximately 1000 m2
- local road accessing each of the backyard plots and running through the middle of the plot in south-north direction with a turning place at the end
- reminiscence of a1804 barn design by J. Pilař (image of mill on the bank, sawmill, and technical buildings) at the entrance to the premises, including services (water, electricity and sewerage) to allow for cleaning and storage of fruit from the orchards and basic facilities.
- greenhouse for growing herbs as a shared space for the users of the allotment plots
- reminiscence of a miniature pond shaped as meanders of Orlice in 1804 and wooden miniatures of house designs by J. Pilař from 1804 (image of mill on the bank, sawmill, and technical buildings)
The period before the new zoning plan is launched will be used to draft an urban design study for the given site. Our urban design study represents resurrection and return to traditional values, especially environment protection (development using renewable resources) supported by the designed road network shaped as a snake whose tail reaches to the former meanders of the Orlice river. It was the river meander that spurred the idea of building the road as a snake’s head and present the bio centre as its body. The eye of the snake is the pond with small wooden houses serving as a remembrance of the former course of the river. The wooden structures are designed as a reminiscence of the lost buildings and are inspired by an 1804 work by J. Pilař (image of mill on the bank, sawmill, and technical buildings). It serves as a model for the miniature of the Orlice meander in 1804 and wooden miniatures, which shall be placed at the entrance to the area. This model inspires the architectural design of structures in full size that is planned after the approval of the new zoning plan.
The snake as a symbol:
For the Slavs, a snake was a good omen and positive symbol. Seeing a snake on the ground was a prophecy of a year health and good fortune for the person who saw him. A snake was actually perceived as a protective demon or a deity (spirit of the ancestors living in the snake’s body who protected the house) and so it comes as no surprise that the Slavs used to leave out food offerings for snakes.
Current symbolic
Many medical objects nowadays bear the symbol known as the staff of Asclepius – stick with a snake wrapped around it. Asclepius was considered the founder of medicine. A staff with a snake became his attribute. According to mythological tradition, Asclepius revived Glaucus with an herb the snake had pointed to. In Sicyon, this god had been worshipped in the form of a snake. In Asclepius’ case the snake could represent the healing power, rejuvenation, regeneration, or resurrection. It could also be a prophet. Asclepius and his snake are represented by the Ophiuchus constellation.
Bicycle path No 14
Another idea of the project is to facilitate key improvements on the long-distance bicycle path No 14 between Hradec Králové and Třebechovice pod Orebem, which serves as the backbone path under the Strategy of long–distance bicycle paths of the Hradec Králové Region. The aim is to speed up the construction works of the cross-road with road No I/11 where an overpass/underpass is planned for bikers and pedestrians in Třebechovice pod Orebem. The key aim of the project is to make sure the path retains the status of a leisure trail that it is safe for cyclists, and that it follows forest and field tracks around attractive tourist destinations. Another goal of the project is to alter the route so that it moves from the current dangerous path running along the road to a safe bike path on forest and field tracks. The routing of the bike path shall connect attractive tourist destinations in the regions of Hradec Králové, Běleč nad Orlicí and Třebechovice pod Orebem. Businesses near the path will get the opportunity to develop their activities related to tourism.